A dupla Denise Ferreira da Silva e Arjuna Neuman materializa um barco naufragado com seu mastro e vela ainda hasteados, uma navegação que aciona o vento como principal elemento de locomoção e destino. A vela carrega as palavras e imagens criadas por artistas, estudiosos e ativistas negros e indígenas, “confrontando o mito genocida” no coração do parque e próximo a monumentos históricos que apontam violências estruturais. Denise é a autora de Toward a Global Idea of Race (2007), A Dívida Impagável (2019), e co-editora de Race, Empire, and the Crisis of the Subprime (2013). Ela colabora com o artista e cineasta Arjuna Neuman desde 2016 em obras que discutem, dentre outras coisas, as relações entre o evento racial, as mudanças climáticas e as dimensões estruturais do tempo. A colaboração entre os dois tem início nos filmes Serpent Rain (2016), 4 Waters-Deep Implicancy (2018) e Soot Breath//Corpus Infinitum (2020), exibidos e discutidos em importantes espaços de arte, tais como Centre Pompidou (Paris), Whitechapel Gallery (Londres), 56ª Bienal de Veneza, Serpentine Galleries (Londres), Julia Stoschek Collection (Dusseldorf), dentre outros.
The duo Denise Ferreira da Silva and Arjuna Neuman materializes a shipwreck with its mast and sails still hoisted, a navigation that activates the wind as the main element of locomotion and destiny. The sail carries the words and images created by Indigenous and Black artists, scholars and activists, “confronting the genocide myth” in the heart of the park and next to historical monuments which point to structural violence. Denise is the author of Toward a Global Idea of Race (2007), Unpayable Debt (2019), and co-editor of Race, Empire, and the Crisis of the Subprime (2013). She has collaborated with artist and filmmaker Arjuna Neuman since 2016, in works which discuss, among other issues, the relationships between the racial event, climatic changes and the structural dimensions of time. The partnership between the two of them began in the films Serpent Rain (2016), 4 Waters-Deep Implicancy (2018) and Soot Breath//Corpus Infinitum (2020), screened and discussed in important art spaces, such as the Centre Pompidou (Paris), Whitechapel Gallery (London), 56th Venice Biennale, Serpentine Galleries (London), Julia Stoschek Collection (Dusseldorf), and others.